We all know the importance of getting our children outside on a daily basis. But what about you mama? Have you stopped to consider that you as a mom need that daily time outside as well?
Hey there! My name is Hannah. I’m a wife, mom of four, homemaker, and firm believer in the importance of time in nature. If you’ve read my post on cultivating a love of nature in children (https://thecontentedhomemaker.com/cultivating-a-love-of-nature-in-limited-outdoor-spaces/), you will have seen what a key role nature and time outside played in my upbringing. But my love of nature didn’t stop there and I haven’t now passed that torch of outside time to my children to carry on.
I still need and crave that connection to nature. Perhaps now more than ever. The calming effect of the wind blowing through the trees. The warming touch of the sun. The feel of the earth under my bare feet. It all calms me and slows my tendency to frantic hurrying as a busy mother.
We carry so much as moms and have so many responsibilities clamoring for our attention. Stepping outside strips the unnecessary away and opens a space for something new. Stillness. A pocket of peace to soak in God’s creation. Stillness to talk with our loving Father who has given us so many beautiful gifts in His creation.
Different types of outside time are needed
I firmly believe moms need two different types of outside time. Time outside with others and time outside alone. We need time outside with our children to build connection and memories. To rake piles of leaves and roll around in them together. To watch the miracle of life through the planting of a garden.
However, we also need time outside alone. Time to take a deep breath and gather our thoughts. Time to simply be alone with our thoughts and to pray through what the Lord has placed on our hearts and minds.
The clamoring of the dirty dishes, unfolded laundry, and smudgy windows are stripped away. Instead they are replaced with swaying trees, fluffy clouds, and warm sunshine all of which beckon to us to slow down and soak it in. To look around and be content with where God has placed us and thankful for the many blessings in our lives.
I so appreciate the work of Charlotte Mason. One of my favorite quotes of hers is this…
“If mothers could learn to do for themselves, what they do for their children… we would have happier households” -Charlotte Mason, Home Education
The many benefits of outside time
We’ve heard about the benefits of outside time for our children which include…
- Increased mental clarity and focus
- Better regulation of emotions
- Improved physical health
- Exposure to vitamin D
Knowing these things, we actively seek to encourage our children to get outside. So why are we not seeking that for ourselves as mothers? Why aren’t we reaching for those benefits to improve our motherhood experience?
So from one mom in the trenches to another, get outside mama. Your mental, physical, and spiritual health will benefit and you’ll be setting a positive example for your children. Let’s “do for ourselves what we do for our children.”